The Abloy EL402 is typically used in the interior doors of business premises and educational buildings.
The locks can be connected to automatic swing door operators and are an excellent solution for access control systems. The new revolutionary adjustable backset feature offers unique flexibility that's never been available before. Because of its symmetrical trigger bolt, ABLOY EL402 can be used in double swing doors. The lock can always be opened mechanically by key or by thumb turn and the bolt deadlocks automatically when the door closes.
Includes EA307 Strike Plate
Important Note:
Please be aware if the electric lock/s have been spoiled during install e.g. cut wires then the warranty is void as the lock cannot be resold and placed back into stock.
Standard fore-end: 25mm
Voltage operation: 12/24V DC
Available backset: 25mm
Fore–end finish: Stainless steel